Pupppies born october 2024
As per January 2025, we still have one male puppy available from this exceptionel litter.
Such a sweetheart with excellent conformation and temperament. See pictures of “Nulle” here.
cornelius santo buxusson
Cornelius lives in Prague with his breeder. A mature male who is now 9 years old and have previously had offspring of extremely high quality.
He him self is a show champion in multiple European countries as well as being a working (hunting) champion in his homecountry.
A male that has everything I am looking for in an English Springer Spaniel.
avida ooh ahh… just a little bit
At 2 years Yuno is still a young girl but she has already proven herself in most aspects of what constitutes a true springer.
Happy, active, and with a fantastic drive.
She has been awarded 1st prize and won hunting trials in Denmark and has multiple BOB and BOS at shows throughout Europe.